Draw Chart
Chart by DateTime column¶
- First column must be : Date or DateTime
- Use order by Date
Chart & autoAxis¶
SELECT sin(number) as s,cos(number) as c,number FROM system.numbers where number<12 LIMIT 12 DRAW_CHART { xAxis:'number', yAxis:['s','c'] }
SELECT sin(number) as s,cos(number) as c,number FROM system.numbers where number<12 LIMIT 12 DRAW_CHART { xAxis:'number', yAxis:'s' }
SELECT toStartOfFiveMinute( modification_time) as modification_time, sum(bytes) as bytes,sum(marks) as marks,table FROM system.parts group by modification_time,table order by modification_time LIMIT 1000 DRAW_CHART { autoAxis:true }
autoAxis - default is false
Chart & markLine¶
Draw median line
DRAW_CHART { markLine:true }
Chart & Stack¶
DRAW_CHART { stack:true }
Group columns¶
Any string value becomes a group for the graph
SELECT toDate( '2016-01-04') as dt,'CAR' as type,'WHITE' as color,toInt16(2000) as cost,122 as width UNION ALL SELECT toDate( '2016-01-04') as dt,'CAR' as type,'BLACK' as color,toInt16(2100) as cost,121 as width UNION ALL SELECT toDate( '2016-01-02') as dt,'CAR' as type,'WHITE' as color,toInt16(2200) as cost,100 as width UNION ALL SELECT toDate( '2016-01-02') as dt,'CAR' as type,'BLACK' as color,toInt16(2300) as cost,99 as width UNION ALL SELECT toDate( '2016-01-03') as dt,'CAR' as type,'WHITE' as color,toInt16(2400) as cost,110 as width UNION ALL SELECT toDate( '2016-01-03') as dt,'CAR' as type,'BLACK' as color,toInt16(2500) as cost,112 as width UNION ALL SELECT toDate( '2016-01-13') as dt,'BUS' as type,'BLACK' as color,toInt16(2500) as cost,112 as width DRAW_CHART { path:'type' }
Custom chart¶
SELECT sin(number) as s,cos(number) as c,number FROM system.numbers where number<12 LIMIT 12 DRAW_CHART { xAxis:'number', yAxis:['s','c'], series:[ {smooth:true,areaStyle: { normal: { color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{ offset: 0, color: 'rgb(255, 158, 68)' }, { offset: 1, color: 'rgb(255, 70, 131)' }]) } } }, {smooth:false, areaStyle: { normal: {} }, } ] }
Echart Doc¶